Rust Summit
The Rust Summit aims to bring together various stakeholders of Python’s Rust ecosystem to discuss its current state, address challenges, and align on ongoing work.
WHEN? The summit will take place on Monday, July 14th or Tuesday, July 15th (confirmation pending).
WHERE? The event will be hosted at the Prague Congress Centre (PCC), Room [TBA].
Meet the Community
The main goal of this summit is for various stakeholders of Python’s Rust ecosystem to meet, learn, and discuss about the Rust ecosystem in Python, how Python can benefit from Rust, and anything related to the adaptation of thread-free Python.
We are particularly looking for contributors and maintainers of:
- Rust libraries / frameworks that have Python API interface (e.g. polars)
- Tools in the Python ecosystem that are built with Rust (e.g. ruff, uv etc)
- Python libraries that are migrating all or part of their source code to Rust code
- New Python libraries that are written in Rust
- Other Python projects that can benefit from using Rust
If there is a topic you would like to present, please indicate it in the form and fill it in early.
Sparkling presentations are brief, and intended to get everyone on the same page and start a discussion. Time slots are of 30 min at most (10 min of presentation + 20 min for questions/discussion).
Deep dive presentations are 45 mins in total (35 mins presentation and 10 mins Q&A). They can have more details and be a bit more informative, they should provide educational value to the participants.
We are also open to suggestions for unconference-style activities.
Tentative Agenda (subject to change)
- 9:00 AM: Meet and greet – unconference-style post-it board organization
- 9:30 AM: Sparkling Presentations (30 minutes each: 10 min presentation + 20 min discussion)
- 11:00 AM: Coffee break
- 11:15 AM: Deep dive Presentation (45 minutes each: 35 min presentation + 10 min discussion)
- 12:45 PM: Lunch
- 1:45 PM: Unconference-style activities (discussions, hacks, ad hoc tutorials, etc.)
- 6:00 PM: Round-up/plenary session for feedback and conclusions
- 6:30 PM: Dinner
To be part of the Rust summit register your interest now! 👈
Please register early. If you are not yet sure if you can come, note it on your registration. You can change your answer later.
You need to have a valid EuroPython in-person ticket to participate. If this is an issue for you, say so on the form and we’ll try to figure something out.
If you can, plan to stay for the whole conference, to have plenty of time to follow up on discussions and new friendships.
The event is limited to [TBA] participants. If more sign up, there will be a selection process.
We will contact you with confirmations and more details closer to the event.